Sunday, July 25, 2010


I always start these things with good intentions of keeping up with them, and that never happens. Ah well.

I have been so distraught and frustrated lately. I don't know what's going on in my life, and that makes me quite nervous. I *REALLY* need to move. I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for Scott to be ready. But my lease is up on September 30th. Which isn't all that far off from now. I don't know what I'll do if he's not ready by then. I might just lose what little I have left of my mind.

This weekend sucked pretty badly. It's pretty sad when you have no life, and sit around waiting for people who never show. So with the exception of a few hours today, I spent the entire weekend locked up in my room alone with Pollyanna. *sigh*

Tomorrow is Monday, and I get to start a new week. Joy. I've been sitting here the past few hours applying to babysitting jobs. Twelve hours a week just isn't cutting it. Hopefully I'll find something... even if it's just a few extra hours a week.

I'm supposed to be going down the shore on Wednesday with Madre. Who is not my birth mother, but she may as well be. I hope it actually happens cause I could really use a day away from everything. But I've learned by now not to count on things. That way, when they don't happen, there is less disappointment. Other then that, not much going on.
And that's the story of my life. A whole lot of nothing.